Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Word Cloud: A Taste of the Moon

Wordle: A Taste of the Moon

This word cloud is based on the whole text of the story "A Taste of the Moon", by Michael Grejniec.

Word clouds are really fun and very nice to look at! 
Let's prepare an attractive activity, starting from the word cloud, done with Wordle...

- At first, we tell the story, to help children learn about the plot and the main vocabulary. 

Some days later, it is time to work with the word cloud and see whether the kids are able to remember what the text was about and some of the main words.
The activity with the word cloud consists of several tasks, with the aim to enhance interest and motivation in the reading and writing process.


- Guess the story, highlighting the key words.
- Memorize new vocabulary, providing cards with the printed words on them.
- Create a word wall, where we can stick our favorite or meaningful words, coming up from the word cloud. The purpose of the word wall is to enhance both reading and writing skills. We will encourage children to copy these words for the word wall.
-  Explain the story again all together, looking at the main words from the word cloud.
- Finally, we can play with the word cloud, searching the longest and the shortest word, counting the words referred to animals, and those referred to actions to reach the moon.

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